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Change in TV Licence

Free TV Licences, funded by the Government, for all over 75s will come to an end in June 2020. This means that all over 75 licence holders under the current scheme will be issued a free over 75 licence for less than 12 months.

From 1 June 2020, there will be a new scheme. Under the new scheme, anyone aged 75 or over who receives Pension Credit will still be eligible for a free TV Licence which the BBC will pay for. Households where there is no one aged 75 or over that receives Pension Credit will need to buy a licence if one is needed.

If you already have a free over 75 licence you will be covered until 31 May 2020. You don’t need to do anything now.

We’ll be writing to all free over 75 licence holders in good time before 31 May 2020 to let them know how they may be affected and what they will need to do.

To find out why the BBC is making this change, please visit

For any further information, Please visit: